Friday 26 August 2011

What I have not said during recent posts is that I am feeling less well than usual. This is due to being very breathless when I do anything much. I even struggled to empty the dishwasher the other day. This dates back into July.

Last week was spent worrying, getting an xray, worrying, writing emails and visiting the oncology department in Ipswich. In between - a bit of shopping and the usual trivia of domestic life.

The current position is that the breathlessness is not due to gross return of cancer - which does not show on the xray. I am to have a scan to narrow the likely causes - which maybe a reaction to Tarceva or minute blood clots or an infection.

So I am hanging out and trying (not very successfully) to be restful and calm  - and of course - - -

"But at my back I always hear
Time's winged chariot hurrying near;"

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